Tests and Results




Surgery results

Please telephone for the results of investigations performed at the surgery 7 – 10 days later. Where possible, call between 11am and 3pm when the surgery is quieter. The reception staff will be able to instruct you on the doctors’ comment and any further requests or instructions.


Hospital results

X-rays ordered by the doctors in practice should be available after 10 days and reception can advise on the doctors’ comments and any further follow on instructions.

Image of patient receiving test results

Hospital/consultant requested investigations, X-rays etc are not so readily available and only come back to surgery in letter form. If you are seeing the Consultant in outpatients, you would usually be informed of the result then.


Image of a patient seeing a doctor

Cervical smear results

It routinely takes 8 weeks for cervical smear results to reach the surgery. Patients are usually notified from the hospital by letter. Please contact the surgery if you have not received your results after 12 weeks.



When asked by a doctor or nurse to bring in a sample, please put the specimen, clearly labelled with your name, date of birth and test required, into the box provided outside the treatment area by treatment Room A.

Specimens need to be delivered to surgery as early as possible and need to be at the surgery before 4pm Monday to Friday.

To ensure confidentiality, we only release results to the patient, unless alternative arrangements have been agreed in writing.